The White Noise Generator is a sound device built with transistor that is capable of producing a sound signal that contains all the audible frequencies and all of them with the same power. On our planet, the most common type of white noise of an atmospheric nature, caused by electrical discharges such as lightning and electrical storms, which have component in a wide band of the spectral, generated in a random way. Likewise, the water in movement, the rain, the wind, a river, the sea etc. Produce this type of noise that forms a kind of wall
of sonic energy, without patterns.
Come build your own white noise generator and learn electronics.
No prior knowledge is required.
PREVIOS REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!!!! please send us an email to with your information.
Bring your own tools: tip and cutting pliers
and a 9 volt battery.
Duration: 1 session 4 hours
Cost: 45 CAD (the price includes white noise generator kit made handmade by the artist, soldering iron & soldering wire)
Language: English - Español
About Constanza Piña
Visual artist, dancer and independent educator, focused on experimentation with electronic media, opensource
technologies and practices DITO. Her artistic proposals are presented in various formats integrating
dance, sound performance and participatory works. Her work reflects on the role of machines in our culture
and the human-technological units, questioning the current education system, capitalism and patriarchy
techno-centrist in contraposition to open knowledge, autonomy and enhancement of technical manual work.
Interested in recycling, hardware hacking, soft-circuits, handicrafts and electronic wizardry, generates her
sound project Corazón de Robota (Robot Heart) with synthesizers DIY, where she explores the field of audible
and inaudible frequencies as physical perceptions, vibrations as cosmic messages, noise and arrhythmia.
she has made numerous exhibitions, workshops, lectures and concerts about electronic experimentation and
DIY culture in Chile, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia , Brazil, Costa Rica, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Norway, Finland, Poland, Holland,
Slovenia, Croatia, US, UK and Greece. She currently is co-organizer of TechnoFeminist Meeting Cyborgrrrls in
Mexico City.
Constanza is nomadic. She works under the philosophy of free culture and electronic anarchy, her research on
synthesizers handmade and electrotextiles can be seen documented on her web
Le White Noise Generator est un dispositif sonore construit avec un transistor capable de produire un signal sonore contenant toutes les fréquences audibles et toutes avec la même puissance. Sur notre planète, le type le plus commun de White noise dans la nature atmosphérique, provoqué par des décharges électriques telles que des éclairs et des tempêtes électriques, qui ont une composante dans une large bande spectrale, est généré de manière aléatoire. De même, l'eau en mouvement, la pluie, le vent, une rivière, la mer, etc. Produisent ce type de bruit qui forme une sorte de mur d'énergie sonique, sans motifs.
Venez construire votre propre générateur et apprendre l’électronique.
Aucune connaissance préalable n'est requise.
Apportez vos propres outils: pointe, pince coupante et une pile de 9 volts.
Durée: 1 séance 4 heures
Coût: 45 CAD (le prix comprend le kit générateur de white noise fait a la main par l'artiste, le fer à souder et le fil à souder)
Retour à tous les événements
Événement antérieur: 25 mai
Soirée poésie // Coule en fou le joyaume
Événement ultérieur: 13 juin
Echo House AGA